Urban Life and Mobility Services


Co-Chairs: Marko Turpeinen, Director, EIT ICT Labs Finland and
Valerie Issarny, Senior Researcher, INRIA

Gilles Betis (EIT ICT Labs)
Camille Crittenden (UC Berkeley / CITRIS)
Alexander Bayen (UC Berkeley / CITRIS)
Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts (City of Helsinki / Forum Virium)

Urban environments are changing fast with massively increasing populations, challenging the sustainability of our cities. Technology evolution, especially the adoption of mobile and social networking. plus the emergence of The Internet of Things, provide useful tools to improve urban life.

As more and more people live in urban areas, local governments must leverage on technological breakthroughs, using available data/knowledge to address various challenges. 'Smart cities' should be inclusive toward citizens and engage as well as help them in daily living.

New mobility services will accelerate the transition from an individual car-centric transport to seamless daily mobility, where any transportation option will be integrated to meet personal preferences or needs (public transport, vehicle sharing or pooling, biking and walking, including reasonable use of private cars), but also where alternatives to people transport are developed. EIT ICT Labs develops mobility services that support all citizens' mobility needs and change personal mobility habits by exploiting real-time mobility data, crowdsourcing and user engagement.

Strong democratic traditions in many European countries are catalyzing crowdsourcing initiatives related to government policy- and decision- making. Citizen engagement promotes their participation in monitoring the urban environment and further interaction with the government. EIT ICT Labs supports citizen engagement and empowerment by establishing innovative use of available city or regional data sources, delivering better urban data and information to service providers and improving or creating new digital ecosystems around urban data resources.